Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Where's Ashton and the Rest of the Punk'd Crew?

Okay, now I'm really starting to think someone is messin' with me.

After my post yesterday about the mediocrity of my job, I arrived to work today and was summoned into the conference room with the rest of my co-workers. The head supervisor wanted to meet with us. No one was quite sure how to take this impromptu meeting because it had to do with our merit increases.

About a month ago, we were all told that our merit increases would be put on hold indefinitely. To be honest, we all took it with a grain a salt. This day and age, you gotta be thankful to be employed!

So this morning, my supervisor told us that while there's no word on our merit increases, we would be all be receiving bonuses.



I sat in shock, just staring at my name on the white envelope I had just been handed. I was too scared to open it, for fear the contents might be pink or have the words "Sike!" typed out in 82-point bold font.

Once I got back to my desk, I finally mustered up the courage to open the envelope, ever so carefully. No pink paper was hidden on the inside nor did any fifth-grade slang jump out to greet me. Just a pleasant surprise and great start a regular old hump day.

Now I just need to figure out how to use it.

Should I:

Buy my first pair of designer shoes?
Add a few pieces to my Spring collection?
Plan a vacation?
Pay off my credit card bill?
Invest it?

I'm calling my dad at lunch to get his advice. I probably won't like his answer, but I know it's the right thing to do. Damn you, conscience.

I think this also means I shouldn't complain about my job anymore-at least not for the rest of this week.

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