Friday, December 11, 2009

Senior Date Night

I just got back from San Diego last night. I was scheduled to attend a work conference Mon-Thurs, and The Hoff suggested we have a mini-vacaction and leave on Saturday since we've both never been to SD before.

I need to load more pics to give a proper recap, but let me leave you with this teaser for the weekend.

The Hoff and I went to dinner in La Jolla one night, and quickly realized we must have interrupted senior night. I'm not kidding, we were the youngest patrons there by at least 40 years.

We asked our watier, who was, surprisingly, our age, the target market of this particular establishment. He claimed it was 18-34. After looking around the restaurant, The Hoff said, "Really?"

Then he proceeded to tell us that it's a hip local spot. Ha! Maybe if by "hip" he means those who've had hip replacements.

I have to admit, I hope I turn out like the old timers sitting beside us when I'm 75. They downed at least 2 bottles of wine during dinner. Here's to retirement!

3 comments on "Senior Date Night"

rachaelgking on December 12, 2009 at 7:47 AM said...

Hahaha! At least they knew how to handle their booze, I guess?

Miss Procras. on December 12, 2009 at 1:39 PM said...

Seriously! If I have that sort of tolerance at that age, I think life will be a-okay!

Dmbosstone on December 15, 2009 at 9:47 PM said...

My parents want to move to the west coast when they get old- I haven't been yet.


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