Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Nobody Likes a Mr. (or Miss) Sniffles

I want to give y'all a recap of the past 10 days. I really, really want to.

But I can't breathe, my head feels like it's about to explode and I'm hacking up a lung.

Basically, I'm dying.

And I just don't have it in me to type a proper recap post.

Once I'm feeling halfway human again (hopefully tomorrow), I'll update you on my recent shananigans.

Until then, I'll be snuggled under 5 blankets with a cup of green tea and a bowl of chicken pho.

2 comments on "Nobody Likes a Mr. (or Miss) Sniffles"

Dmbosstone on October 26, 2009 at 12:06 AM said...

Oh I am such a big fan of Pho!

Good to hang out tonight, must do it again soon!

Miss Procras. on October 30, 2009 at 4:28 PM said...

Understandably so. Pho = pho-nomenal!

Sunday night was def a good time-hope to see ya again soon!


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