Friday, March 11, 2011

Dissecting Guy Code

Guy code: much easier to translate than this jibberish.

Actual gchat message I received the other day from a high school friend who I had a brief fall fling with (and who I haven't really hung out with or spoken too sense):

HS fling: How's life kid? We need to catch up. When are you free these days?


I'm single, have no prospects and I'm looking for someone to hook up with now that spring is on the horizon and I feel the need to spread my seed.

Too bad guy code wasn't offered as a foreign language in high school. I would have aced that class.

3 comments on "Dissecting Guy Code"

Dmbosstone on March 22, 2011 at 12:59 AM said...

Wait is that why we haven't hung out yet ;-)

Toddy on March 29, 2011 at 11:06 AM said...

Too funny. Too true. Cheers, T.

Anonymous said...



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